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公司使命 /Company Mission:

让动力行业与世界互联 / Connecting the Power Industry With the World

发展理念 /Development concept:

创新经营、诚信永恒、客户满意、员工幸福/ Innovative operation, eternal integrity, customer satisfaction and employee happiness

公司愿景 /Company Vision:

全球最专业内燃机核心零部件供应商/ Global Most Professional Supplier of Core Components for the Internal Combustion Engine

核心价值观/Core values:

聚焦、创新、稳健、和谐/ Focus, innovation, stability and harmony

企业宗旨/Enterprise purpose:

自强发展、贡献社会/Self improvement, development and contribution to society

质量文化/Quality culture:

只造精品、忠诚客户/Only make high-quality products and loyal customers

管理文化/Management culture:

管理者永远走在最前面/Managers are always at the forefront

企业文化-Corporate culture

公司使命 /Company Mission:

让动力行业与世界互联 / Connecting the Power Industry With the World

发展理念 /Development concept:

创新经营、诚信永恒、客户满意、员工幸福/ Innovative operation, eternal integrity, customer satisfaction and employee happiness

公司愿景 /Company Vision:

全球最专业内燃机核心零部件供应商/ Global Most Professional Supplier of Core Components for the Internal Combustion Engine

核心价值观/Core values:

聚焦、创新、稳健、和谐/ Focus, innovation, stability and harmony

企业宗旨/Enterprise purpose:

自强发展、贡献社会/Self improvement, development and contribution to society

质量文化/Quality culture:

只造精品、忠诚客户/Only make high-quality products and loyal customers

管理文化/Management culture:

管理者永远走在最前面/Managers are always at the forefront